Aishi Melony
Aishi ThaikYo Melony Collagen Booster Drink is a melon drink fortified with collagen and SOD enzyme designed to help boost your body’s natural collagen production and will leave you looking glowing from the inside out. It contains melon extracts – a rich source of antioxidant enzymes called superoxide dismutase (SOD).
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Benefits of Melony + Sod Enzyme
🍈well hydrated skin
🍈promotes healthy skin
🍈rich in anti oxidants
Rich in SOD (Dried Melon Juice)
🍈May help relieve stress for better sleep.
🍈Anti Aging
🍈reduce Wrinkles, melasma, dark spotsYummiest Pastel Green CollaDrink first in the market! #aishifeeltheglow #AishiJapan #sawadeeshop #thailandbeautyproductssupplier #GUARANTEED #thailandphilippines #glowingskin
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